What communication strategies exist now that we are most proud of? When have you experienced strong collaboration or communication across departments or teams? Tell your table partners about a time when you observed an effective communication strategy or aspects of the communication strategy that served you in your role. How do we use our strengths to achieve our communication needs?
What are the top three opportunities on which we should focus our efforts? How can we best meet the needs of our stakeholders (internal to our departments or for external stakeholders) in our communication methods or strategy? What are new tools or skills we could explore to move forward?
What are we deeply passionate about? Thinking about our strengths and opportunities, on what values do we want to ensure a communication strategy is built? What is our most compelling aspiration regarding communication across teams and the organization or community?
What meaningful measures would indicate we are meeting our communication goals and vision? What are the intrinsic rewards for achieving our vision? What are the best rewards to support those who have achieved our communication goals?
Stavros, J., & Hinrichs, G. (2009). The Thin Book of SOAR: Building Strengths-based Strategy. Thin Book Publishing Co.
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